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A Day to Celebrate Research

University Hospitals’ annual ENT research symposium held June 8, 2018

UH Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Summer 2018

Chad Zender, MD


Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs and Translational Research, UH Cleveland Medical Center; Associate Professor, Otolaryngology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Keeping up with the latest discoveries and innovations in the field of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery is challenging, to say the least. On Friday, June 8, Northeast Ohio researchers and health care practitioners had an opportunity to find out what’s new. The 2018 University Hospitals, Ear, Nose and Throat Institute Otolaryngology Symposium combined with the annual Resident Research Day showcased updates on the ear, head and neck, and pediatric research being conducted by students, faculty and collaborators at Univeristy Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University.  The CME accreditied afternoon session consisted of  clinical updates from local and national experts in the field of otolaryngology.

The annual event was held on campus at Case Western Reserve University. Chad Zender, MD, an organizer of the event and Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs and Translational Research at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, says that the symposium allowed residents to develop skills related to research and to gain valuable experience by presenting their work to larger audiences. Many of these projects are developed by Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine students and residents and are later published in well-regarded journals on various subspecialties in otolaryngology, Dr. Zender notes.

The afternoon portion of the symposium covered clinical topics of interest to both general and specialty trained otolaryngologists. Nurses, allied health professionals, residents/fellows and medical students can also benefited from presentations. 

Topics and speakers for the 2018 ENT Research Symposium included:

Pediatric Sinus Disease by Carol Liu, MD
Endoscopic Ear Surgery by Carissa Wentland, DO
Balloon Sinuplasty by Brian D’Anza, MD
Approach to the Cystic Neck Mass by Rod Rezaee, MD
Use of Stents in Sinus Surgery by Kenny Rodriguez, MD
Updates to the AJCC 8th Edition by Chad Zender, MD
UH ENT Quality Update by Nicole Maronian, MD

As part of the annual James E. Arnold, MD, Lectureship, this year’s keynote address, “Advances in the Management and Treatment of Sinusitis,” was delivered by Alex Chiu, MD. Dr. Chiu is the Russell E. Bridwell, MD, Endowed Chairman and Professor of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. Actively involved in research on chronic rhinosinusitis, sinonasal tumors, and outcomes of sinus and skull base surgery, Dr. Chiu is widely recognized as a leader in the treatment of disorders of the paranasal sinuses and is a well-published author on these topics.

“The ENT research symposium was started by Drs. Kumar Alagramam, Cliff Megerian and James Arnold with a primary focus on ear research,” Dr. Zender says. Over the years, it has evolved to include presentations on head and neck cancer, pediatric hearing disorders, quality and outcomes-based research and sinus disorders.

With the creation of the University Hospitals Ear, Nose & Throat Institute Research Center, the symposium now features a morning session on basic science research involving all the ENT-related disciplines and an afternoon continuing medical education session kicked off by the keynote speaker.

Mentoring is a strong emphasis and an integral part of the Department of Otolaryngology.

“We are fortunate to have excellent and motivated students and residents in our program,” Dr. Zender says. “Mentoring and guidance from our faculty is critical to developing such a robust and dynamic research portfolio.”