Chapters Transcript Exhibitor Presentations: Allergen All right, So for those of you haven't met me yet, I'm actually the new allergen rep. The new specialty rep with them. Um, and my name is Brett. Listen, like Dr Last just said, um, I'll be focusing on, uh, with one again, come again and off again and then dry eye with re synthesis and are refreshed. Here's my counterpart is Karen David, which I'm sure some of you may know. One of the things I was wonderfully touch on today was the perception of coverage of our products. Um, and the stigma, I'm sure, you know, across the country and especially in the Cleveland area, Um, that I'm really trying to fight against is coverage, and our products aren't covered. So we actually worked with a third party vendor. Um, that actually gave us some data about coverage. On average were in the 1994% of lives covered for product. And, you know, Karen and I or, you know, whoever your local rep might be, you know, would love to come into your office and work with your staff. Um, you know, to kind of educate, you know, not just for our products, but for all the products. Um, so, you know, with us coming into your office is working with your staff. We really just want to get your patients on the medication that you want them on. And we've got some really great tools to help with that. We've got our pharmacy callback guide, our pharmacy help guide. And we're actually coming out with a brand new one next week that I'm sure you guys will see popping up in some of your offices to kind of help, you know, bridge that gap even more. Um, And then, uh, you know, I just wanted to mention to you that we have an awesome deal going on right now. For the second time this year, we actually cut the cost of our copays for commercially insured patients. So, uh, come again? Come again off again. Uh, those patients can get a 90 day supply for $15. Um, so hopefully you know, if they can get it, get it now or if they got in September, they can get that deal, Phil, and then refill with that same deal again before the end of the year. Um, and then the same with prosthesis. Uh, This is actually $0. Um, so I know, you know, we're right around the corner. If it's not already here from, um, that time of year, I especially exasperated. Um, now, with this is turning on and back, but I just wanted to share that. So any individual questions, please reach out to me or current, uh, information with screen, and then we actually work closely with the barista rep two out of Cleveland, which is Brian Fagan. And her contact information is on the screen as well. Um, so thank you to Dr Last, but you're organizing. Listen, Leonard's come on, and that's all I have for you aspect. So thanks. Thank you. Thank you, Britain. Thank you, Al. Again for your support. Okay, We're gonna move on to Glucose and and Doug, Doug May bound. Thank you very much, sir. Um, you know, and thank you for the opportunity event part of this event Special Thank you to doctors Sharif and last for the communication dedication to put this event on. Um, as you said, my name is Doug, my mom's strategic account manager. Here with glucose, my role is centered around training residents, fellows and attendings. at teaching institutes on the ice that reject procedure. And I am responsible for teaching institutes in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. But today you know, with everything that's going on in the mix category, it's exciting. There's new information and new things that are coming out. What I wanted to touch on was we have first generation I stent. We have. I sent inject and and now we get to spend time with you guys. Send it back to W or wide um want to switch that slide Dr Lai's So ultimately we're still we work similarly with what happened with the I stand inject thorax Side flow outlets in the central outlets are the same has changed as the flanges were at 130 now to 360. So in height, which is going to help with over implantation, which is a lot of the feedback has been where we've had some issues with some over implantation. So this is increasing that predictability of the implant itself. We've also looked at the injector system, the inner workings there with shorter Uh, I'm sorry, I'm getting feedback on my apologies. Just a shorter window with bridge that optimizes the visual visualization of both of the stents. It is a tribal MetroCard tip, which is reducing the tissue tethering as well. What do we What happened? Like the last. If you want to go back to that slide Yeah, I I have to I'm gonna share for a moment because I have to. Okay. Mhm. He's got we go Next slide. Perfect. Yeah, back one. Sorry, I just wanted to go over the injector system just a little bit there with the splayed trow car, which is securing the stents and assist in the improved delivery mechanism as well as a new call it, um times that rest behind the first stent and that's designed to facilitate the delivery process. Alright, Next. Now, if we can go to the next slide and just really go a little bit further into the to the w itself and why we've made these design changes and ultimately we really want to deliver procedural consistency and predictability. But with this new design of the ar enhanced design of the device as well as the injector system, you're enhancing the visibility or syphilitic facilitating seamless placement we're providing observable positioning and confirmation. So if you have not had the opportunity to discuss this with your local rep or within your university rep, by all means, reach out to myself or or and I'll get you in contact with who your rep is. But this is, uh this is a pretty cool upgrade. Uh, and and the feedback that we've been receiving thus far has just been fantastic. The procedural predictability and the outcomes have been wonderful. Uh, so if you are interested and you want to learn a little bit more about that, by all means, let me know. And, uh and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have. I have a question. Um, I was just joined back in. Um, how about the I dose? When can we expect to start to see some movement there? We are still in, um, in our studies on that, because we were at roughly about two years of data and we are still collecting data on the initial implant, and we're still seeing the same effectiveness, efficacy and, uh, and predictability of that outcome as well. So we're going to be looking at 2021 hopefully, in mid 2021 for the release on that. And what drug is are you guys working on with the I dose? Travel post. Okay. Can I ask a question? This is a dug very rarely do I get to say that, but I want to follow my definitive answer. Specialist Dr. Uh, Sara, I'd like to ask a question as well. We've been a site for the Super A. I guess it is. But the B three, you know, I'd love to have a super coral device again. Do you have any sense from within the company? Are they gonna move for? I mean, the study has been closed, and we submitted all the data. Um, you know, can you give us a sense of when that might come? Certainly. So I think the last time you and I spoke, we were talking about the super, Actually, and we were really hoping that it was going to be launched here, Uh, end of 19, beginning of 20. But when they were looking at the two year down in hell with what happened with Cy Pass, there was a determination to hold off on the launch to grab five years of data on the product to make sure that what we ran into a sigh pass is not going to repeat itself. What the eye stent are with the sucre. So right now we're We were right about it. Three years. So it's looking like another year and a half or so before were potentially going to be launching that Thanks, Jug. Absolutely. It's a great question because it's a wonderful product. We just want to make sure I see Dr Last is still on. My question about the I spent super from a cornea perspective is some of the remedies that we've used to help with Cy passes to trim the orifice of the, um, shunt that's in the anterior chamber now with the super. It's going to be titanium. And so I can't imagine that that's going to be Trimble should not. What is the solution for if it needs to be trend or removed, or how are we going? What is that going to work? I know it's going to be placement specific as well. Where the training involved in how this, uh, place is going to be instrumental. Um, I have not heard any communication to that, though, with the trimming as to what the solution on that would be. But, uh, just there I can I can absolutely find that out. This should help today or tomorrow, and then we can we can transfer that knowledge on. That's a good question, though I I can tell you, Yasmin, it didn't come up in the in the study. We have, uh, you know, a handful of patients with them still indwelling, um and, uh, it just it hasn't come up, which is a good thing, All right, But they're so yeah, so we have the high dose, the sucre and then the infinity, which is the eye stent in the community. Whether you're gonna be looking at three stents that have been approved close to the to, um And then we're also going after the standalone procedure that's happening overseas and and outside of the U. S, um, we're trying to bring here, but we're still a little bit of ways away from that, and and the and the reading center is involved with all of these. These developments so well, we're definitely watching what's going to happen with the corny here with all of this we have one minute left. Um uh, So if there are any other questions I missed what the infinity was. What? I haven't heard of that one yet. So we're approved with the with the inject to place two stents in the eye. The infinity is approved for three stents because in Europe and the US, they're they're experimenting plenty of different ways of doing an off label with four stents. Five, you know, depending on the severity of the pressures where the doctors are trying to get them, you know, there's just a lot less restrictions. So what we're seeing is with three stents overseas, it seems to be extremely beneficial. Um, we're still gathering data and looking for final approval on that as well. You know, if I may say so, this is kind of a made for us to guess how much is too much, right? I think there's there's an echo somewhere, but how much is too much? Is is an interesting question. We, uh, ransom piece in eyeball in, uh, in 19 chamber models with the line size. Uh, I can tell you after. It's just like the same way that we discovered with the various block radius devices beyond 250 square millimeters of the plate size. There's not much of a buy in terms of getting better pressure. You compare Omni where you have to score dilation, got where you sleep. Open the file can all, um, to the entire chamber with the ice plant and KTV. Almost all of these techniques that are all related consistently give you a pressure or somewhere on an average of 15 millimeters. It's very rare that any of these devices, no matter how many you place whether you strip the entire can all tropical mesh work or or not even a big star. An account on plastic rarely dropped the pressure below 14 millimeters of medicated for me. Uh, so that's an interesting science in itself as to how much is too much and the instead of loading yourself, I think some fundamental studies have to be performed, uh, in the interest of not loading the tropical measure of too many too much hardware there. Otherwise, we'll end up with the same problems that we did with welcome trainees devices back in the day. I'm pretty sure Doug remembers all those wars between bar wall time at which is big is better and a whole bunch of patients with complications. Because of that Created by Related Presenters Douglas Maybaum Strategic Account Manager, Glaukos